
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1565 From: quelisto Date: 7/27/2011
Subject: RS 232 via Kanalog board
Tom: I'd like to use RS 232 functionality with the Kanalog board, but the documentation states that while the UART is present, the firmware (for the DSP and/or FPGA) does not yet support it. Is this still the case with Kmotion 4.25?

Assuming the RS232 functionality is or will soon be supported:

1) What are the registers I need to use for Rx and Tx?
2) What is the serial word length, 8 bits plus a parity bit?
3) Are the registers also 8 bit (meaning only chars can be placed there)?
4) Since interrupts are not possible, how do I make sure that I don't miss data that is incoming (or is there a FIFO buffer that can hold say 8 chars)?
5) Is the bit rate adjustable, and, is auto-detect of the bit rate possible?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 1566 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 7/27/2011
Subject: Re: RS 232 via Kanalog board
Hi quelisto,
There is now some support for the Kanalog RS232 port.  See the example:
<Install Dir>\C Programs\RS2323\BufferedRS232.c
The firmware will now read and write buffered data for you using the 90us Servo interrupt so you no longer need to poll the ready bits and such and can read and write multiple characters at your leisure from a User Program.
The Serial data length is fixed at 10 bits.  8 data bits + 1 Start bit + 1 Stop bit.  If you need parity you will need to compute that yourself.
The system will buffer up to 1000 characters on input and for output.
The Baud rate is programmable as shown in the example at up to 56K baud.
Auto detect baud rate is not implemented.
Hope this helps.

--- On Wed, 7/27/11, quelisto <quelisto@...> wrote:

From: quelisto <quelisto@...>
Subject: [DynoMotion] RS 232 via Kanalog board
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 7:48 AM

Tom: I'd like to use RS 232 functionality with the Kanalog board, but the documentation states that while the UART is present, the firmware (for the DSP and/or FPGA) does not yet support it. Is this still the case with Kmotion 4.25?

Assuming the RS232 functionality is or will soon be supported:

1) What are the registers I need to use for Rx and Tx?
2) What is the serial word length, 8 bits plus a parity bit?
3) Are the registers also 8 bit (meaning only chars can be placed there)?
4) Since interrupts are not possible, how do I make sure that I don't miss data that is incoming (or is there a FIFO buffer that can hold say 8 chars)?
5) Is the bit rate adjustable, and, is auto-detect of the bit rate possible?
